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Online Learning Services - Leadership Improvement for Leader BNCTL

Online Learning Services - Leadership Improvement for Leader BNCTL

The survey said that two-thirds of new leaders in their first 18 months failed, not because of competence, knowledge or experience, but because of arrogance, ego and leadership styles that no longer fit the new environment. This certainly brings a huge loss to the organization, because there is a frenzy that leads to mutual intimidation, obstructing transparency, creating a bottleneck, decreased motivation, productivity and decrease amount of talented people.

The industrial revolution forced leaders to adjust their leadership, to be responsive, in contrast to the previous stages of relations, direction and charismatics. (Richard Kelly, 2019)
As part of the financial industry, the Bank - due to the encouragement of Rev 4.0, IoT - experienced "pressure" to become convergent with other financial industries, even with technology companies. Therefore, leaders and leadership styles must be responsive to a rapidly changing external environment. Customers need even demanding financial services that are fast, accurate, safe and very simple.