Berita LPPI dan Liputan

Internal Audit Education Program for BPR

Internal Audit Education Program for BPR

The internal audit training aims to increase participants' knowledge about the current conditions faced by Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR) internal audits in Indonesia. This training program is held on 21-22 October 2019 with 12 participants coming from BPR Dana Nusantara Batam, BPR HASAMITRA Makassar, BPR Sekar East Kalimantan, BPR Universal Jabar, BPR Daya Perdana Nusantara, BPR Nusantara Bona Pasogit 12, BPR Central Sejahtera Tanjungpinang , and BPR Mustaqim Sukamakmur Banda Aceh.