Berita LPPI dan Liputan

Online Learning Services - Sustainable Finance for Executive Level PT. Bank ICBC Indonesia

Online Learning Services - Sustainable Finance for Executive Level PT. Bank ICBC Indonesia

LPPI kembali bekerjasama dengan PT. Bank ICBC Indonesia dalam Program Sustainable Finance for Executive Level. Program berlangsung selama 4 jam efektif, dan dibuka oleh Bapak Edy Setiadi, Direktur Bisnis LPPI

Tentang Program

Based on this commitment and the 2015 Paris Agreement, Indonesia has a Sustainable Finance Roadmap (2014 – 2019), and POJK No. 51/ POJK.03/2017 concerning the implementation of sustainable finance for Financial Service Institutions, Issuers, and Public Companies. In the discussion of the POJK, it was conveyed about the application of sustainable finance principles, RAKB (Rencana Aksi Keuangan Berkelanjutan/ Sustainable Finance Action Plan) and its priorities, Sustainability Report, and TJSL (Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan Hidup / Social and Environmental Responsibility).

This program is designed to provide an understanding of the principles of sustainable finance in Indonesia, as well as to provide awareness to Bank ICBC Indonesia stakeholders regarding the implementation of POJK No. 51/POJK.03/2017 concerning Sustainable Finance.