Berita LPPI dan Liputan

Branch Manager Development Program Class of 194

Branch Manager Development Program Class of 194

Branch leaders have an important role in supporting the success of achieving the vision and mission through the implementation of a business plan. The development of bank business today is increasingly complex with a high level of competition so that many banks are re-designing branches. Branches play an important role as a forum network. Distribution and services. Because of that, Branch Managers, are required to play an active role in improving performance, so that they are able to achieve achievements by expanding market share and can maintain the business it serves. Expertise in the field of selling and service becomes a key competency to retain customers and attract new customers. Quality of selling and service, among others, is influenced by the experiences of customers during their relations with the bank. Various changes in the external environment especially the needs and desires of customers for products and services are of particular concern for periodic follow up by branch leaders. This will have an impact on Selling Strategy and Service Quality. The strategy to increase sales and service quality to be better than before, of course, must be in line with efforts to minimize risk, especially in relation to operational risk. Through this program, participants will be given the right solution to answer the challenges and competency requirements of a branch leader.