Berita LPPI dan Liputan

Executive Risk Management Refresher Program

Executive Risk Management Refresher Program

The banking industry and financial institutions act as agents of development that contribute to economic growth. Therefore, the industry must be managed properly to create value for shareholders while building strategies to grow for the benefit of stakeholders. This includes the implementation of good corporate governance, risk management and operational management. The banking industry and financial institutions are required to include every manager and official to acquire a risk management certificate in the refresher program on a regular basis with the aim to keep up with the latest developments in the field of risk management. In order to fulfill this, LPPI as a strategic banking and financial services partner helped bankers and financial service actors related to the fulfillment of these fields by holding an Executive Risk Management Refresher Program implemented in 3 countries: Spain (Madrid - Barcelona), Italy (Milan) , and France (Nice) from July 12 to 21, 2019.