Berita LPPI dan Liputan

Sustainable Finance Awareness Seminar With CIMB Niaga

Sustainable Finance Awareness Seminar With CIMB Niaga

LPPI in collaboration with Bank CIMB Niaga held a Halfday Seminar on Sustainable Finance Awareness for Corporate Customers and all leadership of  CIMB Niaga Bank on Thursday, May 2, 2019 at Graha Niaga, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman South Jakarta. The seminar was moderated by Mr. Mulya E. Siregar (Expert Staff of the LPPI Directors and currently serves as the President Commissioner of  Syariah Mandiri Bank). Present as speakers at the seminar were OJK Deputy Commissioner (Mr Imansyah), Director of Planning and Development of Development Funding at Bappenas (Ms. Teny Widuriyanti), Head of Law and Technical Cooperation PPKL Director General of Ministry of Environment & Forestry (Mrs. Fitri Harwati), Head of Research Division and LPPI Program & Faculties Development (Mr Lando Simatupang), SF WWF Indonesia Experts (Ms. Mariska Adeline Sukmajaya), SF Experts from Gadjah Mada University (Ms. Poppy Ismalina) and from Trisakti University (Ibu Juniati Gunawan).