Coverage and Training Program


Breakfast Meeting Sespibank 70 With Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands


An International Benchmarking Visit For The Sespibank Program for Class 70 LPPI will be held to share and exchange ideas with banks and agencies in the Benelux countries. Before leaving, the participants received a pre-departure sharing from the Royal Netherlands Embassy which on this occasion was presented by Mr. Joost Nuijten as Deputy Head of the Economic Department and Mr. Lukas Rahmidin as Economic Policy Advisor. The event took place with a relaxed, cheerful and insightful atmosphere.

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Risk Management For IKNB - Collaboration Between LPPI and APPI


Following the MoU of cooperation in the field of higher education for the Non-Bank Financial Industry, the LPPI in collaboration with APPI (Association of Indonesian Financing Companies) held a synergy program entitled "Implementation of Risk Management for IKNB". This program was held on 10 & 11 April 2019 at the LPPI Earth Campus - Center for Sustainable Finance Knowledge. The aim of this program is to build awareness in risk analysis and mitigation, especially for finance companies.

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Rencana Konversi Bank Nagari Menuju Bank Syariah


LPPI bekerjasama dengan Bank Nagari dalam pelaksanaan proyek konsultansi kajian Pengembangan bisnis unit usaha syariah (UUS) Bank Nagari, dalam rangka spin-off. Dalam rangka pelaksanaan itu, LPPI bersama Bank Nagari mengadakan interview pada tanggal 13 sampai dengan 22 Februari 2019, guna mendengarkan aspirasi para stakeholder disana meliputi Gubernur, 7 Walikota, 12 bupati, para ketua DPRD dan Ketua Komisi 2 DPRD tingkat 1 dan 2 yang membidangi perekonomian. Selain itu, ada pula para tokoh pemuka agama, tokoh pemuka adat, dam tokoh masyarakat Sumatera Barat.

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