Coverage and Training Program


Financial Education Program in Collaboration with PT. DIY BPD Bank


BPD DIY Bank Sustainable Finance Awareness Training was held on September 25-26 2019 which was attended by 30 participants from the Division Head level to the Staff level to increase employee awareness about the importance of financial services that not only pay attention to profits but also have to think about social and environment. This was confirmed by the Financial Services Authority policy in POJK No. 51 of 2017 concerning sustainable finance which in 2019 must be carried out by BUKU 4.3 Bank, and Foreign Banks and 2020 must be implemented by BUKU 2.1 Bank, Multifinance, Insurance Companies, other Financial Services Institutions, and large Issuers and public companies.

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Sustainable Financial Application ​​​​​​​For Financing Companies


The sustainable financial policy continues to roll. If previously it was targeted at the banking industry, starting this year the policy must begin to be applied in other financial sectors, one of which is a finance company.

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Executive Overview of Islamic Bank Mantap


In connection with the ratification of Aceh Qanun No. 11 of 2018 concerning Sharia Financial Institutions, it is stated that 3 years after the ratification of this qanun, all financial service institutions in the province of Aceh must adhere to sharia principles. In this regard, Bank Mantap as a conventional bank that has branches in Aceh cooperates with LPPI in the Executive Overview of Islamic Bank program to prepare to open a Sharia Business Unit in Aceh as mandated by the Qanun. The Executive Overview of Islamic Bank Program is implemented in 3 batches, namely: Batch 1 will be held on August 19-20, 2019 followed by: 1. IT Director 2. SEVP Finance, Retail, and Digital Banking Batch 2 will be held on September 9 - 10 2019 followed by: 1. President Director 2. Business Director 3. Head of SPM and Accounting Division 4. Head of SPM Section Batch 3 will be held in early October 2019 which will be attended by Directors and Division Heads. This program aims to improve the management capacity of the bank's human resources regarding Islamic banking products and services.

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