Coverage and Training Program


Workshop The Future of Digital Financial Ecosystem


Advances in information and communication technology have fundamentally transformed financial institutions, namely digitizing business processes. The existence of technology not only accelerates the rate of transactions but is also efficient in reducing operational costs through automation. This has led to significant changes in the financial sector in general, changing the balance between old players and new players, as well as how people spend their money. Various concepts arise and sink quickly, from revolution 3.0 to revolution 4.0; banking 3.0 to banking 4.0; Blockchain; Cryptocurrency; Digital Banking; Open Banking; and various other platforms that will appear soon. Whatever it is - consumers/customers still want the transaction process safely; privacy protection; flexible; and varied.

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Corporate Leadership Training (CLT) Basic Education Program Taspen Class XVI


The success of an organization is strongly influenced by the performance of Human Resources (HR). High HR performance can be realized through planning, utilization, improvement, and development of HR that is carried out properly, regularly and continuously and in accordance with the development of internal and external business environments. One way to get quality human resources is through education and training. The need for human resources in facing the challenges of industry competition going forward in enhancing the competence of potential human resources to support the implementation of operational tasks becomes very important. The ability to be a manager as well as a leader is needed in supporting the task. In this regard, each organization must continue to develop human resources so that employees can gain greater knowledge and insight. PT. Taspen (Persero) as one of the leading BUMN companies in Indonesia, has always recorded remarkable growth achievements in terms of assets. This extraordinary achievement is certainly an achievement of qualified human resources supported by a continuous HR development and education program. For this reason, as one of the strategic partners, the Indonesian Banking Development Institute (LPPI) offers a "Corporate Leadership Training for Basic" education and training program.

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GCG for Top Management Bank Yudha Bhakti


In order to create a conducive investment climate in Indonesia, the application of corporate governance is very important. With the corporate structure of the two tiers system adopted in Indonesia, Commissioners and their organizations have a very strategic role in carrying out the governance function. Some concerns that have always arisen in building good governance are how supervision of the process of presenting financial reporting, supervision of risk management and control, and ensuring that banking operations are carried out on the basis of good governance principles effectively. That is why LPPI held Good Corporate Governance (GCG) training for Top Management Bank Yudha Bhakti on 30 October 2019.

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