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Program Pendidikan & Pelatihan Change Leadership & Development Others for Top Level PT. Bank DKI

Program Pendidikan & Pelatihan Change Leadership & Development Others for Top Level PT. Bank DKI

LPPI bekerjasama dengan PT. Bank DKI dalam penyelenggaraan program pendidikan & pelatihan Change Leadership & Development Others. Program diikuti oleh 5 peserta setingkat Group Head Bank DKI. Program dilaksanakan selama 2 hari secara komprehensif dan dibuka oleh Ibu Helda Rahmi Sina, Kepala Pelatihan LPPI

Tentang Program

A Survey shows that two-thirds of new leaders failed in their first 18 months. Not because they are incompetent, inexperienced or lack of knowledge, but it all caused by their arrogance, ego and leadership style that no longer matches the latest environment. This surely brings a huge loss to the organization, because it will create issues that lead to mutual intimidation, obstructing transparency, creating a bottleneck, demotivation, decreasing productivity and the loss of talented people. Industrial revolution forces leaders to adapt their leadership, to be responsive, different from previous leadership phases which are adapted from relational, directive, and charismatic. (Richard Kelly, 2019). Because of the encouragement from Rev 4.0, IOT, Bank as a part of the financial industry, gets the "pressure" to be convergent with other financial industries, even with technology companies. Therefore, leaders and their leadership styles are required to be responsive to the fast-changing external environment. Customers demand fast, accurate, safe and efficient financial service.

Peserta diharapkan dapat menerapkan kepemimpinan yang siap akan perubahan, agile, dan mampu mengeksplorasi kemampuan anggota timnya, untuk dapat bekerja dengan baik dan selaras dengan arah dan tujuan yang ditetapkan oleh perusahaan.